:::: Product Design :::: XR + Creative Technology :::: Art & Design Professor ::::
swing-render copy.jpg

XR + Product Design

Concept Sketch for scene 1 (swing)


VR Motion Sickness Elimination through Gradual Exposure and Bio-feedback Loop.

Project Type

VR Design, UX


VR Design, 3D modeling


Nastaran Arfaei


Unity, Blender, Figma, Photoshop


Virtual Reality (VR) technology has witnessed significant advancements, but the issue of motion sickness remains a challenge, hindering widespread adoption. This project explores the development of an interactive VR experience aimed at eliminating motion sickness in new users through gradual exposure and real-time monitoring using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) sensors.

This project is ongoing and under NDA. For more information please contact me.